Sunday, March 4, 2007

Just Tell Me

One thing I absolutely cannot stand is when people aren't strait forward with me. If you have something that you want to tell me that is important just tell me. Please don't tell me in a roundabout way and leave me guessing. The meaning for the most part isn't clear and it just confuses me even more. It even hurts more when you're not given a strait answer. I'm just tired hurt all the time. I know that a lot of times I don't show it and that I totally understand. But for the most part that isn't true. I'm usually in too much shock to start crying or whatever. The emotions kick in later. And I'm definantly not understanding. How am I suppose to understand something when I'm receiving mixed messages? So all I'm asking is please be completely honest with me, even if it has to do with a relationship-related issue. Honesty hurts less than vagueness.

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