Tuesday, January 16, 2007

a very hectic first day of classes

today was really long. my first class started at 8am and i didn't get a break until 3:25pm.....sigh.....it was a very long day. it was also kind of eventful. i had my horn audition today. it really sucked. i also had to audition on trumpet.....even though juries were supose to count as auditions. i didn't have anything prepared for that. it sucked. i hate mcdonalds. that was kind of random. so this evening i went to the music building and found the new rosters for all the major ensembles. i couldn't find my name anywhere. i freaked out. so i emailed matt to find out what was going on. i guess he thought that i didn't want to play horn in any ensembles. he saw that i was playing trumpet in symphonic band and just assumed that i was done with horn. this really confused me because i auditioned for him earlier. i guess i forgot to tell him that i was playing trumpet in syphonic band. i just thought that he knew. well i was wrong. so he fixed it and i am now in wind ensemble on horn. now i can breath a little. what a day