Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Today just sucked!!!! My day began with waking up 15 minutes after my 8am started. Not the best way to start the day. So instead of going to class I took a quick shower. At 8:50 I headed over to the music building for theory. As I was walking in the door I suddenly remembered that there was a keyboard test scheduled for today....oops......didn't practice for that one. So I winged it. Not the smartest thing to do but oh well. I think I did alright. After theory I decided not to go to percussion techniques. I had forgotten to do the homework that was due in Comp. today. So I unsucsseffuly attempted to do that instead. Then I went to symphonic band and blew my chops playing my flugel. Yeah, flugels aren't designed for playing up high. But I had to do it anyway....AHHHH.....stupid German composers. When I finally got out of band I had to haul but over to Clark for my dreaded Comp. class. And of course I didn't have the homework. What a crappy day. It wasn't all that bad, it was just stressful. I absolutely hate tuesdays. Thursdays are pretty bad as well. Good thing tomorrow is wednesday and all I have is my trumpet lesson and winds.

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